Sunday, 29 August 2010

Realtime Shader Project - C++/DirectX/HLSL


  1. Hi,
    I'm trying to make a reallistic grass effect with directX 9 and shader HLSL.
    Your project is really amazing and I would like to ask you some help for improved mine.
    For now, I have create a cloud of cross grass billboard like in this example :
    I'm trying now to apply on this cloud a wind effect translation.
    This is an example of what I have done (Quality of the video doesn't reflect the real quality of my project, CamStudio sucks...) :
    Can you shared me some advices or scientific papers that you have used for your own project?
    You can contact me on this adress :
    Thank a lot for your help and your comprehension.

    1. Hey, sorry I took a while to respond, I don't check blogspot very often.

      This demo is actually just using a really inefficient fur shader, I altered the texture coordinates using something along the lines of 'sin(time*timeScale)*(windScale*height)' offsetting time by a different arbitrary amount for x and y to create the wind effect . For the actual fur shader, I think I based it on this:

      But I'd recommend trying to find something better, even with quite a few optimisations, this was pretty much maxing out my PC with a fairly small area.
